Sleevy Clothing Shop

At sleevy clothing we aim to be innovative within our sector. Alot of people arnt aware but  as a planet we produce around 13 million tons of textile waste each year. That is around 31 kilograms per person!

With this in mind when setting up Sleevy Clothing, we wanted to keep our waste product  as low as possible. Our solution was print on demand services for our product procurement. 

The benefits to this mean we have a highly reduced waste and not only that but we are able to print our products as locally to our end customer as possible. This not only reduces the cost to our customers but also reduces our co2 emissions as a company to bring you those products. 

However unfortunately the downside to this is it can take from around 4-7 days for your product to be produced and dispatched. Due to this we ask you allow 7-14 days for your shipment to arrive. 

Please note with covid-19 being a present issue with regards to production and dispatch please allow a further 7 days due to this, we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. 

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